詳細が分からなければ、「○○県 ブリーダー」などで検索したりもした。
それが、MEISTER JPだった。
MEISTER JPは、昨年、2頭のフラットを輸入されていた。
そっけない対応をされることが多かったなかで(ドッグショーでご一緒させていただいたブリーダーさんは除く)、MEISTER JPのオーナーさんの返信は、とても丁寧なものだった。
...MEISTER JPで提示された「犬の価格+輸入に掛かる費用の合計」が、犬一頭の金額とほぼ同じだった犬舎もあった。
実は、MEISTER JPへの問い合わせは、私の独断で行った。
が、やはりヨシも同じように、MEISTER JPに対してとても興味を持っている様子だった。
それから、二人で考えられるだけの疑問を洗い出して、毎日のようにMEISTER JPにメールをした。
Since we decided to have a Flat Coated Retriever (FCR) again after our beloved Waffle past away at her too young age from genetic diseases, we had been looking for the breeder. We could find famous FCR breeders' kennels in Japan from our experience of 6 years ago. We found that some scaled down their breeding businesses, some established their kennels in the past 6 years.
Next we searched how dogs were doing, how long they lived their lives, whether they got genetic diseases or not and so on at their kennels which were found from disclosed pedigree names on breeders' homepage. Pedigree names are named by recognizable pattern in much the same way as most of breeders. Many FCR owners have their own blogs or websites nowadays and that made the search easy for us. We kept searching dogs and the siblings when we found new pedigree names through links on their websites and tried to search breeders and dogs by keywords such as "XYZ prefecture breeder" and so on if we couldn't find any details.
We contacted some breeders directly from the list we found through the internet. These kennels are including some breeders who are still as famous as 6 years ago and one is called up many links from our net surfing. Famous kennels spoke and replied in scary tones of voice to us, whether emotional or not, we could guess they had been coming in for ridicules at their business sometimes. We found that they had high confidence and pride in their kennel business through their attitudes. But we put on hold to buy a puppy from them because of the timing issue and monetary reason.
We found that another kennel had been truly committed on its website and blog which was often updated. This kennel provided a quick response to our inquiry and took good care of us. We supposed that it was in good time for us to see their coming puppies. They invited us to the dog show of the very next week. ...Dog show...In all honesty, it didn't mean very much to us. What are show dogs like? However, the expression "parents' dogs got titles in shows" is highlighted and often found in the litter information on their websites. We didn't know how much it meant to preowners. That was the reason we had been downplaying the expression.
It happened about this time that we found a longevity FCR (over 10 years old). We were desperate for any help and emailed the owner at the risk of offending. We asked the owner from which breeder the dog came. Despite our rude question, the owner replied respectfully to us. The owner suggested us to go and see a dog show. We said that we didn't know much about dog shows. And the owner told us more specifically about it.
The owner said "Dog show evaluate appropriate dogs for breeding to improve all standard bred dogs. There must be many breeders who breed based on the standard (regular and ideal breed). That will illuminate for you and you can meet some breeders or owners new." as an advice for us. This was the first time to know what the dog show was. Then, we made an appointment to see the breeder mentioned last at the dog show. We had no experience to see a dog show in our lives.
By the way, we have been keeping in touch with the owner of the longevity FCR through Twitter and email. By a bit of communication, we are very happy that the owner's warm personality made us feel good about the owner. We felt that our beloved dead Waffle bonded the owner and us together.
At the show, we bought a booklet about entered dogs. And the breeder mentioned last taught us the dog show. After we went home, we searched and searched, looking at the booklet over and over. In the meantime, we began to understand and got a rough idea of how the world of FCR in Japan was.
In these years, there are imported FCRs from Sweden and some of them entered the dog show we went to. By no means do the breeder who imported FCRs from Sweden to new owners in Japan directly, instead, they mate the imported FCRs with others at Japanese kennels. I studied imported FCRs from Sweden though we didn't know much about how they could import FCRs from Sweden and the import scheme. I found that most of imported FCRs from Sweden in Japan were bred by the specific breeder.
Meanwhile, I found a website which described "We import animal pet.".
That was this MEISTER JP.
For us trying to live on incomes day by day, there was no choice to import a puppy from Sweden. What concerned me was "there's no blood line in Japan" and "never mated with Japanese FCRs". I didn't want to think that most of FCR in Japan were the shortest-lived dog on earth. Living thing, that's why I wanted to get comfortable data showing healthy even though there was no guarantee of 100%.
MEISTER JP imported 2 FCRs from Sweden last year (in 2009). Unfortunately, there's no plan to breed within this year (in 2010) according to the website. I decided to ask him how much it would cost us to import a puppy from Sweden. That's the very beginning of our Kate's story.
In the meantime I got unfriendly responses from other breeders in Japan except the breeder who invited us to the dog show, the owner of MEISTER JP's reply was very fair and softly. His reply and messages were not by the template at all, his every word was written with great care. He explained every cost to import a puppy. They were appropriate cost and there wasn't so much of a difference between other kennels and MEISTER JP. The total cost of a puppy and import fee was almost same as a puppy at another kennel which bred many good FCRs in Japan.
Our conclusions were reached that it was impossible to pay the money to a wonderful puppy bred by other kennels.
In fact, I contacted MEISTER JP on my own authority. When I got very friendly and respectful reply from him for the first time, I talked about this and showed his response to my partner, Yoshi. I thought Yoshi would say "No" to the cost as same as he said no to other kennels mentioned above. But it seemed that Yoshi was also interested in MEISTER JP very much. He felt the same way, too. If we could see something to our liking, I thought we could import a puppy from Sweden.
We were in almost daily contact with MEISTER JP with many questions on details regarding importing a puppy from Sweden to be clarified. The first impression was a lasting impression in every word in his replies. We did keep contacting MEISTER JP until we were satisfied. We asked MEISTER JP "Is the FCR really the shortest-life dog in general?" . MEISTER JP replied "I don't think the FCR is shorter-life dog comparing with other kind of dogs regardless of what Japanese breeders or owners think." .
MEISTER JP said that in Sweden, they had been doing their best as a task to prevent dogs from genetic diseases which the entire nation (whole world) must tackle. No matter how the dog was from good blood lines, breeders should avoid mating if it has any small and trivial risks. FRK (Flat Coated Retriever Club) shows their health conditions and medical check-up results on the website as the most important data.
MEISTER JP also told us the schedule to welcome a puppy from Sweden, including how to choose a puppy in Sweden, the payment, how to import and so on. We asked why MEISTER JP decided to import their own FCRs named Carl and Victoria from Sweden. Daisuke of MEISTER JP lost his beloved two FCRs bred by the famous and leading kennel mentioned before at their too young ages by genetic diseases. When he got a new chance to buy FCRs, he searched all FCR kennels from all over the world through the internet and contacted all of them directly. Then he found a very good breeder in Sweden and decided to buy a puppy from her. The breeder didn't plan any litters at that time, but he negotiated for a few month.
We talked about many things from the scheme how we welcome a puppy from Sweden to the philosophical opinion and our perspectives on the FCR each other. After all, we just exchanged emails each other to talk but his enthusiasm and commitment were caught by us.
"His every word is good enough, we can rely on him of MEISTER JP."
Yoshi and I felt the same way. We talked with Daisuke of MEISTER JP on the phone for almost two hours and made a formal reservation.
This is the story we decided to welcome Kate from Sweden.